The event of the year for most bird watchers in France was the confirmation of the nesting of the White-rumped Swift (Apus caffer) on the island of Corsica! More specifically in July of this year, in the north of the island, in an area that belongs to the Regional Natural Park that exists there.
This is the first record of this species nesting in French territory, as a result of the slow expansion that this bird has been achieving in European territory. The first confirmed nesting record on our continent was in Spain in 1964, only about 30 years later, in 1995, was reproduction confirmed in Portugal, (in the Mértola area, by an Irish observer who lived in Portugal , Colm Moore, who published a very interesting article in Pardela magazine with the results of his observations), and this year, again with an interval of about 30 years, we have the news that the White-rumped Swift conquers as a breeder a new country!
Allez, cafre allez!!